Wednesday, February 23, 2011

NBA All-Star Game 2011

The All-Star game was one of the most full-access events Ive been to so far, and it was so fun! We started out at the Magenta Carpet, for the pre-show. We stood in the front for Player Interviews with Nick Cannon as well as performances by Keri Hilson and Bruno Mars. We got to give high-fives (low-five for them, super high-fives for me) to the All-Stars; Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Dwight Howard, Dwyane Wade, Derrick Rose, Tim Duncan, Kevin Durant, Carmelo Anthony, Blake Griffin, etc. I was even featured on NBAtv and TNT, laughing at one of LeBron's answers to his interview questions. You can also see me on all of the wide shots that show me and the other featured girls. I am still looking for the Pre-show footage, so let me know if anyone knows where to find it. It was so neat, getting texts from friends who were watching me on TV. I was so wrapped up in being in the presence of these great athletes, that I almost forgot I was being seen on TV, so that was an added bonus. I have lots of video, I took on my phone, but Ive been having issues loading it onto my computer, so those will be coming soon!

After the preshow, we were taken to the walkway/stage for Player Introductions at the start of the game. My job- to cheer on and shake hands with the players as they were introduced at the start of the game. A group of 17 of us girls, were lined up along the stage walk way, to be background for cameras as the players pass by. Meanwhile, Lenny Kravitz sung right in front of us.

After the player intros, we were escorted to our seats. We only spend a total of 20mins at our seats, before we had to go back down to the court.

During half time, they lined the girls up in the same place as player intros, which was right in front of the stage. The purpose of this, was to have us seen in the camera shots that were taken from the stage, toward the audience. Because we were there for "image" purposes, we werent allowed to have phones or cameras in our hands. Since I couldn't stand not recording the incredible experience, I taped small portions of the show, inconspicuously. haha. Rihanna performed a couple feet from us and Drake even walked right in front of me and looked at me while he was singing. Kanye came onto the stage shortly after and it felt like a private performance, being right there in front of them. It was definitely surreal.

After the performances, we hung out on the courtside for a bit and then headed back to our seats. It was a great day and after finding out the game rotates cities, I was grateful that I had taken advantage of the offer to be there! Justin Beiber was sitting courtside a few feet from us, along with Beyonce and Jay-Z. And for more good news... I had mentioned to the guys that hired me that I wish I had taken a picture on the red carpet- so they invited me to the Oscars red carpet on Sunday! My life is awesome. The only thing that would have made All-Star weekend better- bringing a guy who is a huge basketball fan. Most guys there were willing to knock me over to just to touch Kobe's hand! lol. I needed a bodyguard.

There was a crazy super-fan behind me screaming and going crazy the whole time. haha. I guess thats why they try to put hired girls in the front. lol.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

MAXIM Superbowl Kick-Off Party Spokemodel & Hostess

People's Choice Awards 2010

The 2010 Peoples Choice Awards- Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, The Twilight Stars, Zack Efron... so fun! Plus, I got to dance in front of the stage for the opening number- what a neat experience standing up there as part of Queen Latifah's flash-mob. That was just the start- the VMA'S were awesome, but the Peoples Choice Awards might have been even more enjoyable. Mostly because it was less of a competition to see who would be cast in the front row, and less hectic. The best part- I got to bring a guest, and I didnt have to submit their pictures for approval. It was a really fun, enjoyable show! My favorite part? Selena Gomez' performance of Rain. It literally rained down beautiful silver confetti flakes during the song, and since we were in the 5th row/center, we were right in the middle of all the action. Ive always said Selena Gomez would be the next superstar teen pop sensation and she seems to be proving me right. I love seeing people grow and succeed in the industry. It is inspiring and I love being right there to cheer on the people who are living my dream, I only feel that much closer to accomplishing great things myself. I am truly blessed to be offered amazing opportunities like this. Thank you for all of my friends who write me messages about everything from suggestions about things to wear to supportive comments and well-wishes. I wish I could take all of my friends with me to events like this!

Downtown San Diego- Ivy Rooftop Fashion Show

I don't normally do a lot of fashion show modeling, considering most of those models tower above me. Everyone once in a while a randomly wonderful opportunity comes up and I have to take it! This show for Shop Modern at the Ivy rooftop Nightclub in San Diego came to me hours before the show started. I got a text from my superstar partner in crime, Amanda, asking if I would be available in an hour. Hair and Makeup was done by "A Style Concierge, San Diego" so I said, sure! The dressed me, and got me completely ready, so it didnt even feel like work. I was totally taken care of and got to dance and pose on top of big blocks on the Ivy Rooftop overlooking San Diego. The new beachy/hippie styles even inspired a few changes in my own wardrobe. Thank you to everyone who was a part of this show and to my wonderful friends who offered to be there to support me!

NBC The Sing-Off Featured Background

NBC The Sing-Off hired me as a featured background girl for their 2010 season. As a singer and lover of all things music and dance, I was in heaven listening to the talented acapella groups on this show. When you are sitting a few feet from the stage, directly behind the judges, it is a surreal feeling and the music fills the room. It is easy to get lost in the music and be pulled into the passion people have for performing. It made me miss my "Glee" days performing with The Music Machine. Although I have had some wonderful experiences modeling and acting, nothing compares to the adrenaline rush and love I have for singing and dancing. I'm not sure how safe or practical it would be to pursue a career in music, but I definitely know I love it and could do it every day. Anyway, this post wasn't originally supposed to be about how much I wish I were a pop star. The point was, to say, wow- thank you NBC, The Sing-Off and Nick Lachey(as if he personally invited me) for giving me an opportunity to be a part of this inspiring show.